My stepping stones:
- My reason to believe in God: Rom 1:20, Rev.4:11: creation exists, is complex, thus God diddit.
- Then I read something quite logic:
If you argue humans/earth/universe must have been created because they are so complex, then the Creator, who is also complex, must have been created too.
If you make an exception for God, you should also accept the possibility of other complex thing/beings coming into existence without being created.
So, my main reasons to believe in God were not so logical.
I set out to prove to myself:
* God exists.
* Bible is true.
* JW are true religion.
- Started with investigating age of humans on earth (there should be no evidence of humans existing before 4026BCE, right?).
Found that JW explanation/beliefs don't make sense, and JW literature is very dishonest in quoting sources.
- Continued to prove to myself evolution is false, creation is true by investigating claims and evidence for both sides.
I started with the 5-question brochure.
My conclusion after really studying that rag:
* JW are very dishonest liars, taking almost any quote out of context to support their beliefs.
* Apparently no decent scholars can be found that really argue against evolution.
* Reading the source materials mentioned in the brochure I actually found evolution makes sense.
* No evidence for creation presented at all.
- Prayed many times to Jehovah for a (specific) sign: somewhere in next 4 weeks, let any random bro in the kh make an random remark to me about the beauty of creation.
No answer.
Guess he was to busy making experiences for the yearbook.
Or he doesn't care about me.
Or he doesn't exist?
- So by now I found no evidence for (or against) God's existence, Genesis should not be taken literally, JWorg are liars, and evidence for evolution is overwhelming (as opposed to evidence for creation, which doesn't exist).
- Continued investigating Noah's flood myth....also very funny.
- If Adam & Eve, Eden, the Flood didn't really happen like described, why did Jesus act as if it did?
What's left of any theology without those stories? No original sin? No need for salvation?
- Now without my JW or Bible glasses on, I read about history of the Bible, history of religion, etc.
Basically that lead my to conclude that Jehovah is not a bit different from all the Baals the Bible condemns.
The Israelites believed they were all real gods; nobody would worship a god unless they think it exists.
Any argument that anyone present that Jehovah must exist, can just as well be used to support Wodan, Zeus or FSM. How would I even know which God(s) really exist?
And the Bible is a nice collection of myths, stories and folk wisdom, like many other religious (and sometimes older) texts.
- My conclusion: if any God or gods exist, they are hiding quite well.
They are not revealed through the Bible or any other human sacred text.
I see no evidence whatsoever to believe in any God(s).
Yes, I would like for any God to solve all our problems. Yes, I would like to live forever in health and happiness. Yes, I would like to be a millionaire.
But wanting something doesn't make it true...
And just as much as I do not believe in unicorns (while also an attractive concept) for lack of evidence, I do not believe in God(s) anymore, for lack of evidence.
So, try it for yourself. Pray!
Come one, ask God for a sign.
But be specific, ask for something easy yet quite unlikely, and set a time limit.
'God, please give me a sign' will just make your confirmation bias kick in, and you'll consider any random event as a sign.
You'll get your anwer one way or the other (Mt 7:9-11; Jas 1:5, 17, 1 Joh 3:22)
This is very easy to do, no need for any PhD.
For those saying "that is not how God works"....just show me a way that your God does work....relying on random events and then saying "God answered my prayer", or "God knows what's best for me" or "It's not God's time"...
Have you seen my dog? He always listens to me. When I say "come here", sometimes he comes. Sometimes he doesn't, but that's because it was not his time to act. Sometimes he even runs away when I say "come here", but that's because he listens in mysterious way. But, he always listens!"
I have received my answer.
And until very clear evidence pops up that any God(s) exist, I do not believe they do.
Nobody wonders if New York City really exists. We know. We have evidence. No question about that.
Why should we wonder about Gods(s) if they really exist?